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Kris Kowaliuk

Photo of Kris Kowaliuk


Phone: 403-638-4545

I have been lucky enough to teach at Sundre High since September, 2021. Every day I get to teach my favourite subjects (chemistry and physics), I get to hangout in an amazing classroom (a hybrid classroom and chem lab), and I get to stare at a beautiful view of the mountains out my window (on clear days)--I could not be happier. Of my 13 years teaching before arriving in Sundre, I spent 10 years teaching overseas in England, China and Singapore. I did a lot of travelling when I was younger, but now I am happy to be home in Alberta with my family and growing kiddos. On warmish weekends you can find me playing rugby. As a teacher, my main goal is to have a welcoming space that is comfortable and challenging.

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